Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mae Salong: Some good news...and some bad news...

Isn't that always the way?... Wasn't expecting to have internet tonight, but I am glad I do as I had an awesome day....which is the good news! First, I managed to get moving pretty into town (Chiang Rai) and got a very nice map of Northern Thailand for less than a dollar by trading in another map I had. Then a rain poncho, because after all this is a jungle and, like Ireland, it's green for a reason! Next I got myself set up with a small engine motorbike, left the majority of my stuff at the guesthouse I stayed in the previous night, and I was off! Once I made the turn off the main road into the mountains, the ride was incredible! The road winds in and out of jungle hills, rice paddys, banana groves, and rivers (mom: if you can clear it with customs I can bring back about 100,000 baby banana trees in case your's don't make it). As soon as I started to climb up into the hills the temp began to drop as has to be at least 10 degrees cooler up here which is such a relief after the last couple of weeks. It felt like someone just switched on the AC at one was that quick a change. The owner of tonight's guesthouse told me that this is where Thai "tourists" come to escape the heat.

Having arrived in Mae Salong, I couldn't be happier. This is the sort of place I was hoping to find coming to is a village perched up in the mountains surrounded by tea plantations and beautiful scenery. I have not seen a western tourist all day, and in connection with that, the locals seem even friendlier than usual...which is saying something! I had an awesome dinner with several cups of local tea which I saw coming right up out of the fields. I am really looking forward to the next few days as I move further and further from the bustle and exhaust of the cities down south.

So whats the bad news in that? Well, just before dinner I took the bike up to the peak of the mountain that looks down on Mae Salong, atop of which sits a beautiful temple. As is customary, I took off my shoes before entering and went in to have a look around. While I was inside a light rain began to fall which gave the marble flight of steps out back a nice slicking up. Still inside, I made a donation to the Buddha, and then went out the back way to my demise. Despite thinking to myself as I went out the door, "man I bet that marble is slick...I had better be careful on that"...well lets just say it only took me three steps to get down a set of steps that should have taken at least 10. I landed on my good ankle (I'll head Haley off here  and say that at least I'm walking a bit more evenly now), and despite the ridiculous smoothness of the marble, still managed to cut my hand. But the real hero is my camera which selflessly decided to save my backside by being in my back pocket and taking the brunt of the fall. The camera's sacrifice will not be forgotten, but unfortunately I won't be posting any photos for a while. Despite the loss of the camera and the injury I am still in a pretty good mood...if you could have seen where it happened, you would agree that it could really have been much worse (but you can't cause I couldn't take a picture)...

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