Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Random Observations....

Before I recount my time in Portugal, I want to share a couple of random observations.  If this sort of thing bores you, then you are so warned, and may want to skip ahead...I may have skipped it myself, but I have a 6 hour wait in this train station and am particularly bored...
People here are very particular about where they sit: The first time this occurred to me was in the bus station in Spain. We were waiting to catch a local bus to Portugal. The entire bus station was empty...a big open room with tons of benches and lots of different seating ares. We were between arrivals and so we were the only people there, except for one other lady. I went wandering off to try and find info on our bus, leaving Krista with our bags. I came back about 10 minutes later to find this woman sitting in the seat immediately next to her, our bags encroaching on her space somewhat.  No attempts at conversation were made...she just sat. Also, Krista was in an end seat, which would have made it particularly awkward should I have tried to rejoin her...luckily the bus was about to pull out, and we ran off to catch it.
The bus itself was also very empty...The seats were not  large, so we each sat in an isle seat across from each other.  At the first stop, a group of older women got on and walked back through the empty rows to where we were sitting. They stood there, half looking at us and half looking around as though trying to figure out what to do... he driver was looking at them as well.  After what seemed an eternity, I got up and sat with Krista, mainly out of curiosity. They immediately filed into the seats where I had been and we were off for Portugal.
Finally (yes the ramble does have an end) as I sit here in the train station, what brought this topic to mind: I have a headache and have a long wait for the train, Krista is off in town shopping. I am sitting in a corner of the train station with 6 benches, all empty except for me. I decide that it will be safe to lie down on one for a little while. Wrong. On the edge of sleep I am approached by a security guard followed closely by an older woman. He tells me that I can not lay on the bench, I say excuse me; she stands behind him watching.  As I sit up, she sits down next to me...all other benches remain empty.  A few minutes later we are joined by two of her friends, all other benches remain empty. I wonder if I am missing something here, and secretly wish to my self that breakfast had consisted of beans, hard boiled eggs, garlic , beer,  and bran flakes.


  1. Very peculiar. You should start using garlic in your hygiene products. :)

  2. That would be a comment by me….Christine.

  3. Perhaps this is part or Portugalian culture?? It might be rude of them to NOT sit next to other people... Jared, it sounds like you've just offended half or Portugal. Try the reverse next time, i.e., when you arrive to some place where only one old lady is sitting, join her instead of an empty bench.

  4. OMG! I was laughing so hard that Joe HAD TO know what I was laughing at, so I read it to him & now he is doubled over. That is creepy, but hilarious! I would definitely start eating the beans. : )
