Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NC - DC - NY

The traveling so far has been at a very fast pace, and I didn't really get a chance to write anything along the internet. Here is a quick catch up. First, I made stop in NC to leave my truck (my last possession)  behind and to see my new nephew...I can't wait to see what he looks like in a year (or however long this thing lasts for). Next was a train trip to DC to see my family and some of Krista's Friends, did the monument walk, hit some trendy bars (be glad you don't live in DC...the PBR is not as good when it costs $4), hit a guy on a know, the usual. The pigeons and squirrels in DC are very well fed and look like they should probably get on P90X. Next was New York, and as you have probably been there, I think my experience can be summed up like this: Brrrrr...want some tickets?, want some tickets?, want some tickets?...hand bags?, watches?, hand bags?, watches?, handbags?, watches?...that can be eaten? costs WHAT?....ooooh aaahhhh! In two days we managed to see Times Square, Little Italy, China Town, The Brooklyn Bridge, The WTC construction project and monument, Central Park, A Broadway show, A Stand Up show, and a New York Pizza...which I think speaks to how awesome the Metro is...good training for Metros in other languages as well. That's all for now...we are in Madrid, Spain after almost a full 24 hours of travel and I am going to sleep...


  1. Jared,
    Love the commentary! Having been in both DC and NYC only 2+ short months ago, I must say you nailed both places!
    Can't wait to read more adventure.
    Cheers to your spirit,
    Bobbi Rose

  2. Pictures jared, PICTURES!

  3. I second Dylan's comment. Bon voyage friend!! We are very jealous. :)

  4. Dylan, we figured it out. He has a handy dandy little link to Flickr on the homepage of his blog.

    Jared, photos of Europe please!

  5. Just wanted to let you know my car is all fixed. Damn you moped chinaman!

    I've been to NYC a handfull of times and never did what you did! Way to go!
